Seriously, I don't have a clue why people blog.
Having said that, I bring myself to the world of blogging. Something actually pecked at my head inside for a long time - to blog or not to blog. Contemplation, (i'm a guy who thinks, or rather likes to think that I think a lot about a lot of stuff that seems to make no commonsensical sense, but anyway..) Deliberation, careful weighing of facts and a yell later, well, here I am..
An "official "thread of thought I was on recently was a really mushy one - I mean, to be frank, I really don't picturise myself as some shockingly romantic Pelvis-esley-ish freak whose life's one intent is to run around trees with a rose clutched in my teeth! Though its major two-timing, (Hee hee) I've gotta say that i'm pretty much the quintessential "male" with or without being involved in a relationship..Its weird when I say "male", basically because most females would come up with the automatic "Define male!". A mini definition, though crude, but definitely a working one, is that a 'male' is a homo sapien with lots of adrenalin and an extra rib compared to others of its species, coupled with the added bonuses of stability and physical strength but packaged with one 'weakness '- inability to let emotions to run free...Sigh..what a dorky definition, but hell! who cares? It works, is true, and I don't give a shit if people believe the stuff I made up anyway..
Well..coming back to the 'topic' I was thinking - Can you love someone so much that you could let them go? I know it has been talked about, debated, chewed up and thulped down millions of throats, but still, I wonder..Can I? I had my shot at it, and Man! wasn't that tough! If you talk about the very premise on which the question is asked, you'd wonder about not the nature but the purpose of love itself. You love, obviously not because you want to let go of it in the end, but to hold it dear to yourself as long as you can savour it. But then, if you love someone with no blemish, then in the utter freedom and happiness of that person, lies your...peace. But the very nature of love is the strange mixtue of the purest selfishness and unwavering selflessness - you can't let your loved one go completely bereft of your choices, feelings or influence, and at the same time can't impose stuff on them! Its weird. And what's more - its a dirty, dirty paradox. So if love's a paradox, and my 'topic' also manifests itself, its a brilliant rigmarole of puckered emotions painted on the canvas of the head. In short, it'll screw your head up if you think about it so leave the thinking to me :D
I guess I was 'turbulent' for the whole of the past one month - I had my problems, and had good friends through it all, but one thing always stands out in situations such as this like a continual marquee rolling on my mind's ad-screen - "If you're looking to make peace with yourself, nobody's going to help you do it." And the process that ensues, the struggle with yourself, I don't want to look at it as 'bottled insecurity' or 'psychological weakness' but as an incredibly enriching mental experience. It's understandably weird if I start talking of the harness-able mental prowess of every human, but I have reason, experience and the belief to advocate it. I believe the best way to counter mental pressure is to embrace it, engulf it, and finally crush it. Well whatever...its personal belief, and a vendetta against insecurity, put into unintelligible adjectives, that configured this passage anyway :D
Well then...Que-Sera-Sera. who cares why i wrote this blog too anyway? what the hell?!!
Having said that, I bring myself to the world of blogging. Something actually pecked at my head inside for a long time - to blog or not to blog. Contemplation, (i'm a guy who thinks, or rather likes to think that I think a lot about a lot of stuff that seems to make no commonsensical sense, but anyway..) Deliberation, careful weighing of facts and a yell later, well, here I am..
An "official "thread of thought I was on recently was a really mushy one - I mean, to be frank, I really don't picturise myself as some shockingly romantic Pelvis-esley-ish freak whose life's one intent is to run around trees with a rose clutched in my teeth! Though its major two-timing, (Hee hee) I've gotta say that i'm pretty much the quintessential "male" with or without being involved in a relationship..Its weird when I say "male", basically because most females would come up with the automatic "Define male!". A mini definition, though crude, but definitely a working one, is that a 'male' is a homo sapien with lots of adrenalin and an extra rib compared to others of its species, coupled with the added bonuses of stability and physical strength but packaged with one 'weakness '- inability to let emotions to run free...Sigh..what a dorky definition, but hell! who cares? It works, is true, and I don't give a shit if people believe the stuff I made up anyway..
Well..coming back to the 'topic' I was thinking - Can you love someone so much that you could let them go? I know it has been talked about, debated, chewed up and thulped down millions of throats, but still, I wonder..Can I? I had my shot at it, and Man! wasn't that tough! If you talk about the very premise on which the question is asked, you'd wonder about not the nature but the purpose of love itself. You love, obviously not because you want to let go of it in the end, but to hold it dear to yourself as long as you can savour it. But then, if you love someone with no blemish, then in the utter freedom and happiness of that person, lies your...peace. But the very nature of love is the strange mixtue of the purest selfishness and unwavering selflessness - you can't let your loved one go completely bereft of your choices, feelings or influence, and at the same time can't impose stuff on them! Its weird. And what's more - its a dirty, dirty paradox. So if love's a paradox, and my 'topic' also manifests itself, its a brilliant rigmarole of puckered emotions painted on the canvas of the head. In short, it'll screw your head up if you think about it so leave the thinking to me :D
I guess I was 'turbulent' for the whole of the past one month - I had my problems, and had good friends through it all, but one thing always stands out in situations such as this like a continual marquee rolling on my mind's ad-screen - "If you're looking to make peace with yourself, nobody's going to help you do it." And the process that ensues, the struggle with yourself, I don't want to look at it as 'bottled insecurity' or 'psychological weakness' but as an incredibly enriching mental experience. It's understandably weird if I start talking of the harness-able mental prowess of every human, but I have reason, experience and the belief to advocate it. I believe the best way to counter mental pressure is to embrace it, engulf it, and finally crush it. Well whatever...its personal belief, and a vendetta against insecurity, put into unintelligible adjectives, that configured this passage anyway :D
Well then...Que-Sera-Sera. who cares why i wrote this blog too anyway? what the hell?!!
That was loooooooong first post! and men do NOT have an extra rib and whats with the love ramble dude?
TH, at 10:58 AM
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