A primitive mind's eye

Friday, February 17, 2006

Phew..Its finally over. The mad rush for notes, previous question papers and all that rigmarole down the drain for the next two months! But somewhere I can't help wondering if I actually have the time of my life during the two days when 6-7 subjects are squeezed in for a gruelling 48 hours. But still, I hate exams, after all that thrilling shit anyway.

The newspapers just screamed that the US might bomb Iran now. What crap is that? I mean..its like someone saying, "You don't eat. If you eat, I'll crush you with a ton of rice I cooked at home." It's obvious that the US is bullshitting the world with all kinds of nonsense dished out in the name of world peace. Their basic pretence of keeping the world "more secure" is in fact a mask to their filthy decision to take over the whole world. Its actually ridiculous to imagine such a dirt rich country with a monkey for a President is reaching its fingers out to get every other nation do its bidding. They think its ingenious to get the 'vicious circle strategy' to work all the time. They fuel you with Viagra, they make you screw your neighbour's wife (read country), and when he screams dirty, help you nuke the poor bastard. If you don't comply, well, they'll help HIM nuke ya to "safeguard world peace and justice". The only disgusting part about it all is that we all buy the crap they dish out because its just the richest place on the planet. The best thing that could happen to the US as of now is a Sardar doing a brilliant military coup out there and fry Bush's ass on a big fuc*in' McDonald's steak. Peace, tranquility, obesity and beards would be the name of the day then. What with the teenagers there who're so dumb to take to shitty beedis for a pastime, we could as well look forward to it.

The world would have been a much better place with people understanding that elitists are rascals to the core. Time should show them the proof. More about this in my next blog. It's actually a memory tag, or the next time I land up here, i'd be perfectly clueless on what I wanted to write about. Those who know me, will vouch for it. Godspeed, everyone!


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